Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Strike in New York

Today is the second day public transit workers in New York City strike, illegally. Taking a lesson from the French they have decided to strike - you got it- during the busiest time in the city. Amazingly, the union leader that is firing the "misled" masses isn't even US born and in this age this quite old fashioned individual has extreme left tendencies. Ah, the beauty of living in a democracy.

-Does this so called "leader" realize that his actions are causing more grievances than he is worth and that, like most stubborn managers, his union is being penalized $1 million per day not to mention that labor will be fined 2 days wages for everyday they are not back on the job ?

Maybe he doesn't care. As Andy Warhol said, everyone gets their 15 minutes of fame. In today's fast paced world it could very well be 15 seconds.

1 comment:

Improbulus said...

JHG sorry this is off topic but you didn't leave your email address, I answered your question in another post on my blog in case you've not seen it.
